Top React interview questions and answers in 2024

11 Min Read • Jul 25, 2024

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Let’s say you’re a developer who’s currently looking for a new job. You’re well-versed in React, but as fast as the tech industry changes nowadays, you’re still not sure if you’re going to crush your next interview. That’s why you decide to google react top interview questions to prepare yourself for potentially a new chapter of your life.

You could also be a client looking to find an individual or even a whole team of React experts. Either way, we prepared a list of all the relevant questions that you can expect regardless of your role in this hypothetical interview.

What is React and why is it so popular nowadays?

React, a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library, has become a leading choice for web developers due to both its simplicity and flexibility. With over 200,000 stars on GitHub and used by major companies like Netflix and Airbnb, React continues to grow in popularity. 

Its component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and extensive ecosystem of tools and libraries make it ideal for building scalable and robust web applications. These aspects are, of course, something that might appear during a job interview for a React position.

Who can become a React developer and what does it take?

Becoming a React developer and mastering React top interview questions is an attainable goal for anyone with a fundamental understanding of web development technologies. Here’s what it takes:

  • Being proficient in JavaScript — As React is a JavaScript library, a strong grasp of JavaScript, including ES6+ features, is quite essential. Keep in mind that questions revolving around JavaScript are also somewhat frequent during these types of interviews.
  • Understanding of HTML and CSS — Knowing how to structure web pages with HTML and style them using CSS is crucial for creating the UI components in React.
  • Familiarity with JSX — As a developer, you’re probably already familiar with the fact that JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript. An extension that allows you to write HTML-like code in your JavaScript files. With that being said, we can’t emphasize enough how vital it is to understand how JSX works to be able to fully grasp React.
  • Component-Based Architecture — React relies on breaking the UI into reusable components. Being able to learn, create, and manage these components efficiently is key to becoming someone who will ace this hypothetical interview.
  • State Management — Libraries like Redux or Context API are used for more complex applications. A top-tier React developer should know how to manage state within components and use the aforementioned libraries.
  • Version Control Systems — As for collaboration and managing code changes, being familiar with the version control systems like Git is another vital item on this shortlist.
  • Problem-Solving Skills — Any engineering-centered position requires a professional who can solve the majority, if not all, issues that may arise during the coding process. That’s the case with React developers as well.
  • Continuous Learning — Something that both clients and developers are aware of, practically any active ecosystem is continuously evolving. With that being said, React is no exception to this rule. React has frequent updates and new tools are constantly being introduced. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices through continuous learning is crucial.

How to prepare for your React interview

To be able to answer all the React top interview questions, it's crucial to understand the fundamentals of React as a library and its ecosystem. Some of the strategies we would recommend here are:

  • Review common interview questions — both as a developer and a client.
  • Build projects to demonstrate your skills — as a developer.
  • Stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in React development — this applies to both.
  • Practice coding challenges and consider contributing to open-source projects to gain practical experience — again, focus on this as a programmer.

Top common React interview questions and their answers

And finally, let’s take a look at some of the most important questions that tend to come up during these types of technical interviews.

What is React and what are its key features?

You’ll most likely face a quite simple question right away. Just keep it simple and say that React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. 

Then explain its key features like:

  • It has a Component-based architecture which means that it breaks UI into reusable components.
  • It has virtual DOM which means that React Efficiently updates the UI by only re-rendering parts of the DOM.
  • And finally, you can say that React allows writing HTML-like code within JavaScript.

What is a Virtual DOM?

This type of question is quite frequent regardless of the framework or library in question. The answer isn’t that complicated as the virtual DOM is a lightweight representation of the actual DOM. It allows React to update only the parts of the DOM that have changed, improving performance.

What are the limitations or downsides of React?

Believe it or not, while React is a popular choice, it is not a perfect tool.

  • React has a steep learning curve. This means that an understanding of JavaScript, JSX, and component architecture is required.
  • Initial setup can be tedious due to boilerplate code.
  • Performance issues can occur with large or complex UIs.
  • It has poor SEO support. Basically, single-page applications may need additional configuration for SEO.
  • React also requires knowledge of various tools and libraries that developers may not worked on in the past.

What is JSX, and how does it work in React?

Another straightforward question and answer. JSX is a syntax extension that allows writing HTML-like code within JavaScript. It makes code more readable and easier to understand by combining HTML and JavaScript in a single file.

Props vs State in React — What’s the difference?

  • Props: Passed from parent to child components and are read-only.
  • State: Managed within the component and can be changed over time.

What is Redux?

Redux is a state management library that provides a predictable way to manage application state.

What are Hooks in React?

Hooks are functions that allow you to use state and other React features in functional components. For example, React version 18 has 15 hooks — Some of the most common hooks include useState and useEffect.

What is the significance of keys in React?

Keys help React identify which items have changed, been added, or removed. They should be unique and stable to ensure efficient updates.

What is the significance of refs in React?

Refs provide a way to access DOM nodes or React elements directly. They are quite useful for managing focus, text selection, or integrating with third-party libraries.

What’s the difference between React and React Native?

  • React is used for building web applications.
  • While React Native is used for building mobile applications using React concepts.


1. What skills should a React developer have?

Like in any position, a true professional should not rely only on one skill. A skilled React developer should know JavaScriptHTML, and CSS well. They should understand the React library — Including all the hooks and state management. 

Familiarity with tools like ReduxReact Router, and Webpack is also important. Good problem-solving skills and the ability to write clean, maintainable code are essential. Knowledge of testing frameworks and version control systems like Git is also somewhat beneficial.

2. How much do qualified React developers make?

Qualified React developers' salaries depend on several different aspects — Their experience, location, and the company they work for. In the United States as an example, the average annual salary for a React developer ranges from $40,000 to $158,000. Entry-level developers may start at the lower end, while highly experienced developers or those in high-demand areas may earn much more — It kind of boils down to mastering those top react interview questions.

3. Where can I find skilled React developers?

You can find skilled React developers on several different platforms. Platforms like IndeedLinkedIn, and Glassdoor are good places to start. Additionally, freelance platforms such as UpworkToptal, and Freelancer can connect you with talented React developers for project-based work. Engaging with tech communities and attending conferences can also help you find and hire skilled developers.

Build your next React app with Tapptitude

At Tapptitude, we create both mobile and web applications. Our team of skilled developers knows the latest technologies, including React, as we aim to deliver top-notch digital experiences. Whether you're a newbie developer wanting to improve your skills, an experienced professional looking to stay current, or a client looking to work on something new with a team of experts — Tapptitude is the right place for growth and learning.

Are you ready to start your next project with Tapptitude? Contact us today and let’s discuss your next big idea together!

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Tapptitude is a mobile app development company specialized in providing high-quality mobile app development services, and a top-rated app company on Clutch.