Next.js vs React: key features and differences

11 Min Read • Jul 25, 2024

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Let’s say you’re a client who is looking for some professional assistance on a new project. You’re not exactly new to this, but as years, and even months go by, different technologies tend to change quite rapidly. You’re still not sure what options there are, and even if you are, you’re also confused about which one you should go with. That’s where Tapptitude chimes in.

While the Next.js vs React debate is still quite active, there’s a possibility that you might’ve missed a thing or two since your last project. Luckily, we’re here to guide you through a not-so-tedious decision that you might think it is.

Right off the bat, we can say that you can’t quite make a mistake by going with either Next.js or React, as both are established tools that have been quite useful for developers all over the world for almost a whole decade now.

Let’s see what each of the two brings to the table and why one is slightly more useful than the other in certain aspects — and vice versa.

Next.js as a top-tier open-source framework

What is Next.js, exactly?

To give a simple answer right away, Next.js is an open-source React framework developed by Vercel. It enables developers to build fast, user-friendly static websites and web applications. Next.js extends the capabilities of React by providing a suite of powerful features that simplify the development process.

There are many features that Next.js offers as a full-fledged framework. As they might seem too technical for someone who is not a developer, we’ll use an analogy for each example. That will hopefully make everything slightly more clear. Some of the key features are:

  • Server-side rendering (SSR) — Improves SEO and initial load performance.

Like a restaurant waiter, SSR prepares content on the server for a faster initial load, but SEO benefits come at the cost of a potential wait.

  • Static site generation (SSG) — Creates pre-rendered HTML pages for optimal speed.

Think of pre-made meals at a cafeteria. SSG offers lightning-fast loading times, but updates require regenerating the "meals."

  • Automatic code-splitting — Breaks down your application into smaller bundles for faster loading.

Imagine packing for a trip. Next.js packs only the clothes (code) you need for each destination (page), resulting in faster loading.

  • Built-in routing — Simplifies navigation within your application.

Getting lost in a city? Built-in routing acts like a map, guiding users to their desired pages within your application.

  • Image optimization — Delivers images in the most efficient format for improved performance.

Sharing photos on social media often involves reducing their size. Image optimization automatically delivers images in the most efficient format for a smooth user experience.

React — a versatile JavaScript library for building user interfaces

On the other hand, we have React. 

React is a quite powerful and popular JavaScript library and it is used for building user interfaces. React was created by Jordan Walke and developed by Facebook in 2013. 

Many would agree that React has revolutionized front-end development by introducing a component-based architecture, one that promotes reusability and simplicity in creating dynamic web applications. Since its release, React has gained widespread adoption due to not only its flexibility, but also its efficiency, and its extensive ecosystem.

Here's what makes React a popular choice among developers:

  • Declarative Approach — Like ordering a burger, you tell React what you want, like cheese, lettuce, etc, and it handles the cooking — or in this case rendering the UI. This simplifies development and makes your code easier to understand.
  • Component-Based Architecture — Imagine building with LEGOs. React components are like individual LEGO bricks. You can combine them in various ways to create complex and reusable UIs, just like building various structures with LEGOs.
  • Large and Active Developer Community — Stuck fixing your car engine? A big online community of mechanics — in this case, React developers — can offer help, share solutions, and point you to resources to get your project running smoothly.

Which of the two is a better option?

First, let's establish a clear distinction in the React vs Next.js battle by laying out their key differences in a table:


JavaScript Library


FocusServer-side rendering, static websitesBuilding user interfaces
Out-of-the-box featuresRouting, image optimization, code-splitting

Requires additional libraries


Learning CurveSteeper (requires knowledge of React)Easier (focuses on JavaScript fundamentals)
Developer CommunitySmaller, but growingLarger, with more resources available

With this in mind, let’s see which one would be a better choice for your next project with a more in-depth Next.js vs React js comparison.

As obvious as it is, the optimal choice between React vs Next.js hinges on the specific requirements of your project. Of course, there are more than a couple of reasons why one is a better alternative compared to the other, but some of the most notable ones in our opinion are the ones below.

Focus on Next.js if:

  • You have a project that demands SEO-friendly static websites. This also applies to applications that benefit from server-side rendering.
  • If you prioritize a streamlined development process with built-in features for:
    • Routing
    • Image optimization
    • Code-splitting

In these instances, Next.js might be what you’re looking for.

Opt for React in these two scenarios:

  • Let’s say you're thinking of crafting a complex single-page application. Or, to be more exact, an application with unique UI requirements that demand maximum flexibility.
  • Another example would be a scenario where you have a team with a strong foundation in JavaScript — a team that prefers a more modular approach. React has a vast developer community for support which is quite useful compared to a framework that was released three years later.


How to choose between Next.js and React?

For simpler apps with a focus on performance and SEO, Next.js is often the better choice. On the other hand, for highly complex UIs with some special requirements, React's flexibility might be more suitable. 

Something worth noting here is that if your team has experience with React, transitioning to Next.js can be smoother. React's large community also provides extensive support. Discuss your project's needs with our team to determine the best technology stack.

Who uses Next.js?

Companies like Uber, Netflix, and Hulu use Next.js due to both its exceptional performance and user experience. If your next project is related to what these companies are all about, Next.js might be the way to go.

Why you should go with Tapptitude

At Tapptitude, we specialize in delivering top-tier mobile app development services. Our expertise spans across various frameworks ᅳ including both Next.js and React.js. By being flexible, we can easily help you choose the best solution for your next project. What sets us apart is not only our passion for creating various mobile apps, but also our passion for growing with our clients.

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Tapptitude is a mobile app development company specialized in providing high-quality mobile app development services, and a top-rated app company on Clutch.