Vue vs React: key features and differences

8 Min Read • Jul 18, 2024

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All over the world, big-name brands rely on Javascript frameworks and libraries to build the websites we know and love. From Netflix to Nintendo, many of our go-to companies rely on two Javascript frameworks/libraries in particular: Vue and React. 

Both Vue.js and React.js are valuable tools in software development, helping developers build a wide variety of web applications. So, the question is, which frontend framework should you choose for your next project? In today’s article, we’ll help you answer that question by settling the Vue.js vs React.js matter. 

What is Vue? 

Before we settle the React vs Vue matter, you need to know what Vue and React are. Let’s start by looking at Vue

Vue is an open-source, front-end Javascript framework that allows developers to build web user interfaces. Vue’s library is designed to simplify user interface (UI) development thanks to its library’s view-only layer. 

Key features 

We’ve explored some of Vue's key features below to help you understand its full usefulness. 

Model-View-View Model pattern 

The Model-View-View Model (MVVM) is a software design pattern that allows developers to separate different aspects of their web applications. 

The result: developers can painlessly work on these various aspects independently because they won’t have to test the code for their UIs in conjunction with testing the business logic. 

As you can imagine, this means that, for Vue users, testing is much more streamlined and efficient. 

Virtual DOM

Another feature that developers who use Vue can benefit from is the Virtual Document Object Model (DOM) programming concept. 

Virtual DOM was introduced by React, and it relates to the virtual representation of the Real DOM. In other words, the Virtual DOM is a lightweight copy of the Real DOM, which is kept in memory and synced with it. With the Virtual DOM, you can simplify rendering processes because you won’t always need to manipulate the Real DOM directly. 

Two-way data binding 

By using Vue, you have access to two-way data binding. If you’re unfamiliar with data binding, it simply refers to the process of establishing a connection between an application’s UI and the data it conveys. 

So, two-way data binding relates to how - when the user updates the view - the underlying data also undergoes an update. Equally, when the data is updated via code, the view will be automatically updated to reflect the newly coded data. 


With Vue, you can also use watchers, which is a feature that enables developers to monitor any changes in the application’s data. 

With the transparency that watchers grant developers, they can perform a set of operations in response to the data changes they are now able to track. 

Computed properties 

A popular Vue function, computed properties enable developers to create precise properties that they can use to modify, manipulate, and display data within their components. 

Essentially, computed properties allow for a more dynamic coding process. 

Benefits and challenges of Vue

Now that you know about Vue’s most commonly used features and functions, it’s time to address the benefits and challenges of using Vue. 

  • Because Vue is a JavaScript framework, you can easily integrate it with other platforms that use JavaScript. 
  • Vue provides detailed documentation, helping developers quickly understand how to use it. Vue’s documentation is so comprehensive, in fact, that any developer who has little experience with JavaScript and HTML can build web applications with ease. 
  • Vue is incredibly lightweight, being only 18-21 KB in size. This means that Vue is extremely quick to download and use. 
  • Vue celebrates high-speed application performances, and as you can imagine, fast-loading apps are integral to a high-quality user experience. 

It’s easy to see why developers gravitate toward Vue, but that doesn’t mean it’s a flawless framework. Take a look at some of the drawbacks of using Vue below. 

  • Vue isn’t known for its scalability, especially since its community consists of a small pool of developers and isn’t financially supported by large companies. 
  • Vue doesn’t have as many plugins as other frameworks like React, making it harder for developers to rely on Vue fully. 
  • Since Vue is a relatively new framework, it’s not surprising that few professionals have extensive experience using it. This means that knowledgeable advice and assistance are hard for new Vue developers to come by. 
  • While code flexibility can be a good thing, Vue’s flexibility is quite excessive and can result in your development team adopting programming approaches that are too dissimilar from one another. 

What is React? 

React is a front-end, component-based JavaScript library that developers use to build interactive user interfaces for both web and native applications. 

Due to React’s component-based architecture, developers can create reusable UI elements, making for a more efficient and maintainable development process. 

Key features 

Just as we did with Vue, we have explored the key features of React below. 

Virtual DOM 

As you know from our exploration of Vue’s key features, the Virtual DOM is essential for efficient rendering processes. 

What’s more, since React introduced Virtual DOM, it’s no surprise that it’s one of their most integral features.


JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript that allows developers to HTML code in React. 

JSX is the key to faster rendering and readable code, especially if you find yourself writing large pieces of code. 

One-way data binding 

React’s one-way data binding is similar to Vue’s two-way data binding, in that any change to the data automatically updates the UI. 

But where the two differ is that with React’s one-way data binding feature, any changes in the app’s UI will not automatically update the data within it. 

With one-way data binding, it’s much easier to trace the source of your app’s data changes and debug any issues you come across. 

Reusable components 

React Native (React’s tool for mobile applications) supports the use of reusable UI components, making it so that developing modular and scalable apps are a breeze. 

Needless to say, these reusable components not only speed up the development process but also make the finalized design much more consistent.


React Router is a React tool that supports routing, which makes creating multi-page applications with separate URLs straightforward for any developer. 

With this React tool, you can manage your users’ navigation and routing within your applications, leading to a better user experience. 

Benefits and challenges of React

Now, let’s take a closer look at what developers love (and don’t love) about React, starting with the positives. 

  • React is versatile, helping developers create a range of web, iOS, and Android applications. 
  • React has an active and significantly larger community of developers and designers than Vue, so React developers can rest easy knowing they have readily available assistance. 
  • React completely removes the need to rewrite code that already exists, saving your development team valuable time. 
  • React practices performance optimization through strategies like browser code splitting and server-side rendering. Techniques like this maximize the use of resources and speed up initial load times, making for a better user experience. 

Like Vue, React isn’t perfect. Below, we’ve addressed some of the main drawbacks that developers have experienced with React. 

  • While React does offer ample documentation, many developers find it lacking in depth and detail. 
  • Since React is predominantly a UI component library, there isn’t a standard way of going about application development. 
  • React introduces new features and versions multiple times a year, making its learning curve much steeper, especially for new developers. 
  • As a UI library primarily, React is not a fully-fledged JavaScript framework. This means that you may have to rely on third-party tools and libraries to develop your apps. 

Vue vs React: which one should you choose? 

Having explored both Vue and React, it’s time to answer the ultimate question - which one should you choose? 

While this answer largely depends on your unique needs and projects, we can shed some more light on which tool you should use. 

CreatorEvan YouJordan Walke/Facebook
Initial Release 20142013
Virtual DOM
Data Binding ✓ (Two-Way)✓ (One-Way)
Open Source
Component-Based Architecture
SyntaxHTML (default), JSXJSX
Coding SpeedFastNormal
Rendering Server SideServer Side 
Learning Curve SlightSteep
Live Websites (BuiltWith Trends, 2024)+3 million+46 million 
Popular Applications
  • Behance
  • GitLab
  • Nintendo
  • Grammarly
  • 9GAG
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Netflix
  • Discord
  • Airbnb

Making the right choice with Tapptitude 

Whichever UI development tool you choose, you’ll want Tapptitude by your side to maximize its potential. 

We partner with funded startups and established brands to create exceptional mobile-first products. Through our extensive knowledge, we can guide you through the entire development process - from the initial concept to a finalized product and a spectacular user experience. 

We’ll also help you conduct QA testing and maintenance to make sure your product is as successful as possible. Plus, when you’re ready to scale your business, we’ll be right there to help you do so efficiently and effectively. 

We take the guesswork out of product strategy; contact us today to build the next must-have digital product. 


Should I use React or Vue? 

Ultimately, there is no definitive answer to this question; it really depends on the nature of your project. 

But when it comes to when to use Vue vs React, we recommend using React for developing larger, more complex applications, especially since it has more templates and a wider range of additional tools. 

On the other hand, if you’re building simple, smaller web applications with higher performance speeds, Vue will probably be the best framework for you. 

Is Vue better than React in 2024? 

Given how helpful and easy-to-learn Vue is, it could be a better choice for new developers in 2024. But that doesn’t mean Vue is better than React overall. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you need to consider external factors like your project, your business’s needs, your deadlines, your budgetary limitations, and - most importantly - your team’s experience and skills. 

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Tapptitude is a mobile app development company specialized in providing high-quality mobile app development services, and a top-rated app company on Clutch.