Testing on Real Devices vs Emulators & Simulators in Mobile Development in 2024

11 Min Read • Jul 9, 2024

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Mark Gherba

QA Engineer

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Emulator vs Simulator in Mobile Testing: What’s the Difference?

In mobile testing, emulators and simulators are essential tools with distinct purposes. Emulators replicate both the hardware and software of a mobile device, making them ideal for comprehensive testing of Android apps, including performance and hardware-related issues. Simulators, conversely, mimic only the software environment and are commonly used for iOS app testing. They are faster and easier to set up, suitable for early-stage development and functional testing, but lack the accuracy for performance and hardware interaction testing. Choosing the right tool depends on the specific testing needs and the platform.

In this article, we will explore the differences between testing on virtual and real devices, discuss the pros and cons of each approach, and provide insights into the best practices for leveraging both methods in mobile app testing. Additionally, we will delve into the importance of comprehensive testing strategies and how to achieve a balance between virtual and real device testing for successful app development.

What are simulators? 

Simulators in mobile testing create a virtual environment that mimics the software of a mobile device without replicating its hardware. Commonly used for iOS app testing, simulators reproduce the operating system's functionalities, allowing developers to assess the app's behavior in a controlled setting. They are easy to set up and ideal for early-stage development and functional testing, though they lack the precision needed for performance and hardware-related testing. Simulators provide a convenient way to test app logic and user interface without needing physical devices.

Pros of Using Simulators

  1. Cost-Effective: Simulators are generally free and do not require physical devices, reducing the cost of testing.
  2. Ease of Use: They are easy to set up and use, making them accessible for quick testing and early-stage development.
  3. Speed: Simulators run faster than emulators and physical devices, allowing for rapid testing and debugging.
  4. Convenience: They provide a convenient way to test apps in a controlled environment, with easy access to various device configurations and operating system versions.
  5. Functional Testing: Ideal for functional and UI testing, enabling developers to check the app's behaviour and user interface without hardware constraints.


Cons of Using Simulators

  1. Lack of Hardware Simulation: Simulators do not replicate the hardware of a device, which can lead to inaccuracies in testing performance and hardware-dependent features.
  2. Limited Performance Testing: They are not suitable for performance testing as they cannot simulate real-world conditions like battery usage, network fluctuations, or CPU load accurately.
  3. Inaccurate Real-World Interactions: Simulators might not accurately reproduce interactions like touch sensitivity, sensor inputs, and other physical interactions.
  4. Compatibility Issues: They may not perfectly mimic the exact behavior of all device models and operating system versions, leading to potential discrepancies when the app runs on actual devices.
  5. Reduced Debugging Capability: Debugging hardware-related issues is not feasible with simulators, necessitating the use of physical devices or emulators for comprehensive testing.


Applicability & Use Cases of Using a Simulator

  1. Early-Stage Development: Simulators are perfect for initial development phases where developers need to quickly test and iterate on code. They enable rapid prototyping and immediate feedback on app functionality and design.
  2. UI and UX Testing: Simulators are ideal for testing user interfaces and user experiences. They allow developers to see how the app layout, navigation, and interactions look and feel on different screen sizes and orientations.
  3. Functionality Testing: For verifying that the core functionalities of an app work as expected, simulators provide a convenient platform. This includes testing features like login processes, data input, and app logic.
  4. Multiple Device Configurations: Simulators allow testing on various device configurations and operating system versions without the need for physical devices. This is useful for ensuring compatibility across a wide range of virtual devices.
  5. Regression Testing: When making minor changes or updates to an app, simulators can be used to perform regression tests to ensure that new code does not disrupt existing functionalities.
  6. Localization Testing: Simulators can be used to test how an app handles different languages and regional settings, ensuring proper display and functionality of localized content.
  7. Accessibility Testing: Developers can use simulators to ensure that their apps are accessible to users with disabilities, testing features like voice-over, text-to-speech, and other accessibility options.

While simulators offer significant advantages in these areas, we believe it's important to complement their use with physical device testing or emulators to cover hardware-specific scenarios and real-world performance assessments.

What’s the difference between emulator and simulator? 

When deciding between an emulator and a simulator for mobile testing, several factors should be considered:


  • Emulator: Emulators are designed to mimic both the hardware and software of a mobile device. This high-fidelity simulation allows for accurate performance testing, including CPU, memory, and battery usage.
  • Simulator: Simulators only replicate the software environment. While they are faster and less resource-intensive than emulators, they cannot accurately test performance-related aspects that depend on hardware behavior.

Internal Structure:

  • Emulator: Emulators replicate the entire device, including the operating system and hardware components. This comprehensive simulation makes them suitable for detailed testing of how an app interacts with the device's hardware.
  • Simulator: Simulators mimic the operating system but do not emulate the underlying hardware. They provide a virtual environment that mimics the app's behavior on a specific OS version without hardware-level simulation.

Target Area:

  • Emulator: Best suited for testing Android apps, as they can run the actual Android OS on a PC. Emulators are ideal for performance testing, debugging hardware-related issues, and assessing real-world interactions.
  • Simulator: Primarily used for iOS app testing. They are ideal for early-stage development, functional testing, and user interface assessments where hardware-specific behaviors are not critical.


  • Emulator: Provides high reliability for performance and hardware interaction testing. Because they replicate the actual device environment, they can reveal issues that might not be apparent in simulators.
  • Simulator: While reliable for functional and UI testing, simulators may not accurately represent how an app will perform on real devices, especially regarding hardware interactions and performance under stress.

Setup and Ease of Use:

  • Emulator: Typically requires more setup and can be more resource-intensive, but they provide a closer approximation of the real device experience.
  • Simulator: Easier and quicker to set up, making them convenient for rapid testing cycles and iterative development processes.


  • Emulator: Generally cost-effective as they are often provided for free by platform vendors (e.g., Android Studio), but their higher resource demand can incur indirect costs.
  • Simulator: Also cost-effective and tend to require fewer system resources, reducing the need for high-spec testing machines.

Scenarios and Use Cases:

  • Emulator: Ideal for scenarios that require comprehensive testing, including performance, hardware interactions, and real-world conditions like network variability and battery drain.
  • Simulator: Suitable for scenarios focused on app logic, UI/UX design, and functional correctness in different software environments without hardware dependency.

How to choose between an emulator or a simulator?

Choosing between an emulator and a simulator depends on the specific testing requirements:

  • Use emulators when you need to test hardware interactions, performance, and realistic device behavior, especially for Android apps.
  • Use simulators for rapid, early-stage development, functional testing, and UI/UX assessments, especially for iOS apps where hardware interactions are not a primary concern.

Balancing the use of both tools can provide a comprehensive testing strategy that covers both high-fidelity performance needs and rapid development requirements.

Testing on real vs virtual devices 

Testing mobile applications on real devices is a critical step in the development process that ensures an app performs optimally in real-world conditions. This approach involves using actual physical devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to run tests and validate the app’s functionality, performance, and user experience.

Testing on real devices is indispensable for ensuring an app’s success in the market. It provides unparalleled accuracy and reliability, allowing developers to identify and fix issues that could affect real users. While it involves higher costs and logistical challenges, the benefits of real-device testing make it a crucial component of any comprehensive testing strategy. Combining real-device testing with virtual testing approaches can provide a balanced and effective testing framework, leveraging the strengths of both methods to deliver a high-quality user experience.

When it comes to applicability, testing on real devices is an essential practice in mobile application development, particularly when the goal is to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and user experience under real-world conditions. The key applicability areas and use cases for testing on real devices: final validation, performance testing, hardware interaction, user experience, compatibility testing and network conditions. 

Testing on real devices is indispensable for comprehensive mobile app testing, particularly for performance, compatibility, and user experience assessments. It is crucial for final validation before release and for ensuring that the app functions seamlessly in real-world conditions. While virtual testing can cover many aspects during development, real device testing provides the most accurate and reliable results, making it an essential part of any robust testing strategy.

Pros of Testing on Real Devices

  1. Accuracy: Real devices provide the most precise representation of how an app will perform in the hands of end-users. This includes the ability to test for device-specific behaviors, network conditions, and user interactions that are difficult to replicate in virtual environments.
  2. Hardware Interaction: Testing on real devices allows developers to thoroughly evaluate hardware-dependent features such as camera functionality, GPS, accelerometers, and other sensors. This ensures that all hardware interactions work correctly across different devices.
  3. Performance and Reliability: Real devices offer an accurate measure of the app's performance under real-world conditions, including battery usage, CPU load, and memory consumption. Bugs and performance issues identified on real devices are more likely to reflect actual user experiences, making this method highly reliable for final validation.
  4. User Experience: Real-device testing helps ensure that the app's user interface and overall experience are consistent and intuitive. It allows for assessment of touch sensitivity, screen responsiveness, and other aspects of user interaction.


Cons of Testing on Real Devices

  1. Cost: Maintaining a comprehensive collection of real devices can be expensive. Developers need to invest in multiple devices to cover a wide range of brands, models, operating systems, and versions.
  2. Maintenance: Keeping devices up to date and in good working condition requires ongoing effort and resources. This includes updating operating systems, managing device storage, and ensuring physical devices are not damaged.
  3. Scalability: Testing on real devices can be time-consuming and less scalable compared to virtual testing environments. Automating tests on a large number of real devices is more complex and resource-intensive.
  4. Logistics: Managing physical devices involves logistical challenges such as storage, access control, and potential wear and tear over time. Coordinating the use of devices among multiple testers can also be challenging.


Turn your next great idea into reality with Tapptitude

At Tapptitude, we understand the importance of testing your product idea thoroughly on both virtual and real devices to ensure its success in the competitive market. Our team is experienced in developing and testing mobile applications and can assist you in comprehensive testing strategies that cover all aspects of mobile app development, from early-stage to final validation on real devices. This ensures that your app performs optimally and provides a seamless user experience. With our experience and dedication to delivering high-quality results, we can turn your product into a successful reality.

Contact us today to get started on your app development journey!

Mark Gherba

Mark Gherba

QA Engineer