Daily top ten videos brought to you by the Hyper app

5 Min Read • Jul 14, 2016

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Sinziana Chitea

Content Marketer

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How would you feel about a totally free mobile app, with a really clean and intuitive design, to provide you with a daily selection of interesting videos, on numerous subjects, that you could enjoy whenever, wherever? Probably just as psyched as we were, when we discovered the Hyper iOS application, that does just that.

This mobile video app is totally worth your time. It’s basically a personalized collection of 10 videos, curated for you by a team of award-winning filmmakers. The best part, besides the videos being top quality and super interesting, is that you can enjoy them anytime, anywhere. Your daily top ten video playlist is preloaded over night, while you’re sleeping – so you can make the best out of the Hyper app while you’re awake.

Hyper app – top-ten daily video selection

The Hyper app is really easy to use. You don’t have to worry about anything. The video playlist is preloaded overnight, so it’s all there at the tip of your fingers whenever you feel like it. Since it has no need for an internet connection, it’s available for use literally “whenever”.

At first you’ll go through a few screens telling you what the app is all about. Then you’ll get to the screen where you’ll pick the categories you’re interested in: technology & science, impactful global stories, world of pop culture and funny, impressive, entertaining videos. No worries, you can change the settings of your preferred video content later in the Settings menu as well. And that’s about it; having selected your video preferences, you’re all set and your very own top-ten video playlist is ready for use.


Now to the videos. They’re high-quality, both in content and in looks. The video boxes will show you short preview-like moments from the actual video. It’ll let you know who the video is from and the length it has, and you’ll also have the options to download the video on your phone, share it in a message or on Facebook, or save it to your “watch later” list. Also, you can get some info on the creators of the video and subscribe to their videos in order to never miss one in the future. You also have the option of visiting their website or their social media profiles.

tapptitude's app of the week hyper iOS video app

Going through the video playlist is as easy as swiping up and down. In order to go through the entire menu of the app (Daily Top 10, Saved Videos and Settings), you simply have to swipe right and left. We suggest you take a quick look at the Settings menu, in order to set the app up just the way you like it. And one more thing: swiping right on a video box will send the video straight to your Saved Videos list.


What’s hot?

Video content at its best

We are ecstatic about the content of this app: the videos are top-notch. The quality is impressive, watching them is pure joy. And the quality of the content itself is nothing less than awesome. How could it not, when it’s handpicked by a team of award-winning filmmakers?

Seamless UX

The Hyper mobile app has a very smooth user experience flow. After you’ve selected your preferred video content, you’re good to go. Using the app mainly entails swiping around on the screen, be it up-down to go through the playlist, swiping down to close a video, left and right to go through the Menu bar, or simply swiping right in order to save a video to the Saved Videos list. The main point of the app is you savouring great video content – it’s beautifully built in order for you to do just that.

tapptitude's app of the week hyper iOS video app

Offline mode

One of the best things about this app is the fact that it enables you to enjoy the great video content while offline, just as well. No more worrying about the internet connection not being available or not being up for the task. The app makes good on its promise. You can watch videos anytime, anywhere.

What’s not?

There is really nothing we don’t like about this app. We think AntiHero Inc. did a wonderful job with this mobile video app. There’s just one small favor we just have to ask: may we please have the app for Android users as well?

Bottom line

Download the Hyper mobile app on your iPhone or iPad ASAP. Beautiful video content available to you anytime, anywhere, hand picked by award-winning filmmakers. Need we say more?

Hyper - Come Back Tomorrow

(Note: We are not affiliated or endorsed by this app. We just really love mobile apps and we want to share them with the world and give people great mobile experiences)

Get the Hyper iOS mobile app here.





Sinziana Chitea

Sinziana Chitea

Content Marketer

Content Marketing Specialist, teasing everyone into taking cute pictures for Instagram. Discovering the tech world bit by bit, and writing it all down on the agency's blog. Enthusiastic about everything visual. And sweets and dogs.